Techniques For Packing Your Self Storage Unit Efficiently

May 1 2023

Utilising Your Self Storage Units

When it comes to renting a self-storage unit with Storage X, packing your belongings efficiently is key to making the most of the space you have rented. By following effective packing and storing techniques you can maximise the space in your unit, store your goods effectively and maintain them in good order.

Let us examine some of these tips and techniques.


Take a list of all your goods

It is best to start a list of all the goods you are intending to store, this list will help you identify and retrieve your goods and save you time and effort.


Use standard size boxes.

Standard size boxes or containers need to be kept uniform this allows you to stack your boxes evenly.

Choose good quality boxes and make sure they are uniform in size, mark each box with a permanent marker and add this information to your master list.


Disassemble furniture.

If you are planning to store large items of furniture it is best to disassemble them first.disassemble Furniture2
This makes it easier to store and it takes up less space.

Keep all the bolts and screws in a zip bag and tape them to the furniture, this will make it easier when you need to reassemble the furniture.


Leave an aisle.

Most people make the mistake of overpacking their unit, it is best practice to leave an aisle in the middle, this will make it easier to move things around and move items in and out of your unit.

This does not need to be very wide, just enough space to fit a trolley.


Use the height in the unit.

Most self-storage units are 2.7m or more in height, remember to take advantage of the height and store vertically. Make sure to place the heaviest item on the bottom and the lighter ones on the top.

This will prevent damaging your goods and will make it easier to move them around.


Packing materials.

packaging materialsBubble warp, butchers’ paper,  and blankets can help protect your items whilst they are in storage.

Take extra care with fragile items and remember to mark these boxes as fragile. Take the time to pack up your home correctly.



Protect your belongings.

Try and store your goods off the ground if it is possible, maybe use racking or pallets, this eliminates moisture and dampness. Silica gel can also be used to deter moisture and dampness.

With your clothing it is best practice to hang these, consider using port robes or garment bags.


Store items you will need first at the front.

When packing your unit, it is best to store the items that you will need first at the front this way you do not need to move everything out to get to the items that you will use the most.


Don’t overpack your boxes.

We all tend to try and fit as much as we can in our boxes when we are packing.

Please try and avoid this, ensure that the boxes are easy to handle and not too heavy.

You do not want to break the boxes and have your items destroyed, nor do you want to break your back lifting boxes that are too heavy.


Maximise your space.

Carefully plan how you are intending to store your goods, by taking your time and planning correctly you will save time and money with your storage unit. Remember to use the height in the unit and store vertically, heavy items first and the lighter items on top.

Packing your self-storage efficiently is an essential task that requires careful planning.

By utilizing the techniques we have mentioned above it will save you time and money and will help you keep your goods safe and secure in your unit.

We are here to help

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